
Singing for Tanzania

Am 14.Juni 2015 sangen wir (Hearts-4-people-singers) mit den Röhrmonists in der Gnadenkirche in Dachau ein Benefizkonzert, dessen Spenden einem Krankenhaus in Tanzania zukommen werden.

Yesterday’s music

Yesterday I got to play a tune, I didn’t play for a long time.
It was big joy to me playing with a band that really shared my feelings!
(Roland Biswurm, Uli Habersetzer, Martin Thalhammer)
Though I didn’t sing it I had the words in mind….

PEACE (Horace Silver)
There’s a place that I know where the sycamores grow
And daffodils have their fun
Where the cares of the day seems to slowly fade away
And the glow of the evening sun
Peace when the day is done

If I go there real late, let my mind meditate on everything to be done
If I search deep inside, let my conscience be my guide
Then the answers are sure to come
Don’t have to worry none

When you find a piece of mind
Leave you worries behind
Don’t say that it can’t be done
With a new point of view
Life’s true meaning comes to you
And the freedom you seek is one
Peace is for everyone
Peace is for everyone
Peace is for everyone

Auf YouTube gibt es Videos von Organic Combo, den Woodsidejumpers, Electric Blues Power und viele mehr.

Hier z.B. „I like Acoustic Music“ Organic Combo

Oder „You don’t love me“ Electric Blues Power


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